Check out the Art Crawl Map!
Here is the Poster for Next week's Art Crawl. There is still time to get last minute submissions in! The complete venue list and map ail follow shortly....

 Drop me a line at [email protected].

It's almost here, HRM Bike Week! That means the Bike Week Art Crawl is too.  There are a many great artists and venues already lined up, and more to come.  Submissions are still being accepted, but not for long!  The deadline is May 27th.  So lets get rolling. Send your submission details to [email protected]

Various venues are on board including Argyle Fine Art Gallery, The Bike Pedaler, Bridge Brewing, Alter Egos Cafe, Halifax Cycle Gallery, Nauss Bike Shop, Plan B,  and more. 
June 1st - 9th.  I am still working on the map and the route for the group ride which will take place on Saturday the 1st of June at 5pm.  The meeting place for the ride will be announced soon.  Stay tuned...

Today is the day and it is gorgeous! The snowy roads have been melting and the sun is shining, it's going to hit 5˚C today! 
So for all you people out there who don't normally ride this time of year,  bundle up, be visible, and have fun!
 Information on events for today are on the link below.

Hey you, check this out! This is a great map that a lot of people worked a long time on. you can download it to your smartphone and use it offline to find your way around this fair city.
So, Matt Neville from the Halifax Cycling Coalition has made something amazing happen!
He has brought us an interactive map of Halifax that pinpoints both the joys and sore spots of cycling in Halifax.  Best of all, it's us cyclists who contribute to the increasingly detailed map.

Check it out and contribute please. The more populated this map the more fuel we have to bring to city planners and officials to make needed changes.