I just came across this piece from the TChttp://www.timescolonist.com/news/local/reported-bike-thefts
It enrages me to no end when I hear about bikes getting stolen. It has to be one of the lowest of crimes. (non-violent of course) It made me think that bike owners need more than a good u-lock. Some common sense and some good tips would help too. Well, that and never leave your bike unattened. Sadly, that's not practical.
In my experience, it seems that most bike thefts/damage happen due to opportunity. If you ask police or bike shop workers in most cities, they will be able to tell you where the 'hotspots" to avoid are located.  The less time your bike is locked up all by itself, the better. This rings more true the flashier or more valuable your bike looks.
I have gone through some articles to find a few tips for keeping your bike. Check them out:

So, Matt Neville from the Halifax Cycling Coalition has made something amazing happen!
He has brought us an interactive map of Halifax that pinpoints both the joys and sore spots of cycling in Halifax.  Best of all, it's us cyclists who contribute to the increasingly detailed map.

Check it out and contribute please. The more populated this map the more fuel we have to bring to city planners and officials to make needed changes.
